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A team discussion at a trading room

  Think Locally,

    Act Globally,

Prepare Eternally.


Funding Categories

There are four categories of project funding to be processed through Prado Group and its subcommittees.  Initially, special emphasis will be placed on projects that involve consumables and commodities.


The four (4) categories for funding are as follows:

1.  Global Mission Evangelism

Evangelistic Crusades: Ministry teams must show their competency by past experiences with verification of their “fruits of harvest” (souls), social impact, or spiritual impact.  One’s ministry gifts must be proven, or if not, partnered with those who
have successfully done such ministry.


  • Mission Projects and/or Pastoral and Leadership Training

  • Support/Mercy Teams: Administrators, nurses, teachers, relief workers, etc.

  • Groups who address the systemic issues that cause spiritual and economic poverty

Prado Group has found no historical evidence to refute the fact that the Jewish apostles of Yahushua ha'Mashiach (Joshua the Messiah; Jesus Christ; Christo Iesu) were the first authorized to preach and establish the Gospel of the Kingdom for both Jews and Gentiles.  They laid the foundation for the ONLY church of Yahushua ha'Mashiach.  Christ is, has been, and always will be the head of His church and Savior of His body.  Biblical, historical and current experiential evidence supports the fact that only the gospel of the kingdom [as preached by the apostles of Yahushua ha'Mashiach] can unshackle the spiritual vices that enslave the minds, bodies, and spirits of men.



Preferred Opportunities for Global Missions Impact


Required:  All foundations, not-for-profits, tax-exempt, tax-excepted, and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) must be centered on social humanitarian provision, having a clearly defined statement of faith.  In other words, they must be socially redeemable with well-defined missions and have a core economic impact.  All must clearly demonstrate impact in qualitative non-financial terms.


The size and nature of Category 1 funding in most instances will require a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis.  The SWOT analysis is necessary primarily because the funding will generally be less than $50,000 USD. 
On the other hand, funding for Categories 2, 3, and 4 will be in the millions of dollars.

2.  Social Development
  • Dysfunctional family and education related issues

  • Orphanages, Clinics

  • Housing

  • Business enterprises, Employment, Job-creations

  • Business Development and Training, Micro Economic Projects

  • Community Development Projects

  • Land usage and Commercial Development

  • Alternative living facilities and retirement centers

  • Adult educational learning and skills centers

  • Affordable Housing, Water Initiatives, Low-income housing, and Underserved Populations, e.g. persons with Disabilities,
    the Homeless, and the Hungry

  • Illiteracy, Community Learning/Recreation Centers

  • Youth alternatives to gang membership, such as Job training, etc.

  • Cultivate and enhance untapped minority markets

3.  Humanitarian Projects and Programs
  • Water wells in 2nd and 3rd country development

  • Food Relief Programs, Agricultural and Land development

  • Food Production: Sustainable Agriculture Alternatives e.g. agra-ponics, aquaponics, etc.

  • Educational centers, Schools, Clinics

  • Tele-medicine, Virtual education, Distant Learning Centers

  • Family Entertainment & Education (suitable for all ages): Theme Parks, Movie Theaters, TV Stations, Video, Music, Radio, Film, Communications, and Education.

  • Real Estate:  Only mixed-use preferred, New Construction and Redevelopment properties, Office, Retail, Multifamily, Industrial, Warehouse, Self-Storage, Manufactured Housing, Resort Hotels, Ecotourism, Residence Clubs, etc.

4.  Infrastructure Projects
  • Technology and Telecommunications

  • Water treatment

  • Important Note: Based on market demands, G&MU will approve projects that are in great demand, and reflect the latest breakdown of project needs by geography and industry.

  • Roads, Bridges

  • Energy, Hydro-electrical

  • Desalination, Power Plants, Tunnels, Hospitals, Schools, Libraries, Public Transportation, Construction and Manufacturing Technologies, etc., designed for public use

  • Mining & Commodities:  Oil, Coal, Gold, Precious Metals, Gems, etc.

  • Commodities:  Must fall into at least 1 of these 5 categories in the following order of preference:

    • Currency Reserve:  Precious group metals (e.g. Gold or Silver)

    • Energy

    • Food

    • Manufacturing

    • Transportation

  • Alternative Energy & Renewable Fuels:  Biomass, Biofuel, Waste/Heat Reuse, Solar, Wind, Bio-Diesel, Ethanol, Hydrogen, Hydro, etc.

Important Note: Based on market demands, Prado Group will approve projects that are in high demand, and reflect the latest breakdown of project needs by geography and industry.

Projects Excluded From Funding by Prado Group

  • Single-Purpose Real Estate:  Non-Mixed-use Real Estate

  • Those that Exploit Others or Animals: cheap labor, infants, the unborn, human trafficking,

  • Special Interest Groups: Political / self-serving geopolitical organizations

  • Controversial, Illegal, or Unethical Business Involvements

  • Securities / Equity-only finance: i.e. private placements, options, warrants, public securities, municipal securities, government securities, currency, etc.

  • Organizations seeking public exchanges or public charities as exit strategies

  • War zones are off limits: As a general rule, countries with revolutions and whose governments are unstable must go through a full due diligence process by the Board of Directors for approval of humanitarian assistance; however, food and emergency relief for Christians in any country is acceptable.

Excluded Controversial Business Involvement

Business Plan Development and Training Seminars

To assist in this regard, Phase I of the deployment of regional Prado Group Business Plan Development Centers will be set up in key locations throughout the world.  These centers will be made available on a monthly basis for designated community leaders, their staff, and members, to provide instructions on how to write and construct business plans. A Prado Services Business Planning and Development Center will be established very soon; INITIALLY BY INVITATION ONLY.

Excluded Projects
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